Personal Trainer Fareham HampshirePersonal Trainer Fareham Hampshire

personal trainer Fareham

personal trainer Fareham
personal trainer Fareham

Andrea Rice, Personal Trainer Fareham, Hampshire

1-2-1 Personal Training

personal trainer Fareham Hampshire My passion for health & fitness over the years inspired me to become a personal trainer. A working mum of two, I know how hard it can be to find the time to achieve your fitness goals but through a dedicated programme of health & fitness I will endeavour to ensure you reach the outcome you desire.

Combined with a fitness programme tailored to your own personal needs, with realistic targets, it will be essential that, not only do you achieve your goals, but also that you have fun and enjoy it along the way! I can offer a helpful, friendly and enthusiastic approach which will help you stay motivated and focused as you reach your goals.

So whether you want to feel more confident, increase your strength, flexibility and posture or just improve your every day fitness and diet, please contact me and begin the process of a programme dedicated to your specific needs.

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Andrea Rice, Personal Trainer Fareham, Hampshire: 1-2-1 Personal Training
Tel: 07818 787939 Email:

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